Substantial Vibration Control And Noise Reduction For Any Audio Component
Developed in coordination with the acoustic experts at Harmonic Resolution Systems, Mobile Fidelity Ultra Low Noise Feet provide substantial vibration control and noise reduction for any component under which they are placed.
Featuring an outer housing comprised of milled aluminum, the 1.578"-tall feet (1.37" to 1.45" when loaded) dramatically lower the noise floor across the entire audio band, while doing no harm in the frequency and phase domain, allowing you to hear more detail, nuance, texture, tone, focus, and clarity from all of your music.
Ultra Low Noise Feet are easy to use. Place the component on top of the feet and use the provided level to check that everything is balanced. Then, sit back and listen. You will notice less hardness, dryness, brightness, and much more of what you should be experiencing. Ultra Low Noise Feet work with turntables, DACs, preamplifiers, CD players, power supplies, bookshelf speakers, and more.
"There are easily heard improvements," notes Hi-Fi Choice in a Five-Star review praising "an initial sense of refinement progressing towards a lower noise floor uncovering more detail, a cleaner presentation with seemingly extended bandwidth, a more expansive soundstage, and quite extraordinary image specificity. The feet are [staying]. Enough said."
Three Models For Different Weight Ranges
Available in three weight ranges, the U.S.A.-built Ultra Low Noise Feet are equipped with a high-grip threadless design for near-universal compatibility. The listed weight equals the total amount a four pack can support. We recommend a minimum of four feet per component. More feet can be added to support additional weight or if a component has a challenging weight distribution.
ULNF8-16 Ultra-Low-Noise Feet support between 8-16 pounds. ULNF16-24 Ultra-Low-Noise Feet support between 16-24 pounds. ULNF24-32 Ultra-Low-Noise Feet support between 24-32 pounds.
Vibration Is The Enemy Of Great Audio
One of the challenges in audio is the vibrations created by your speakers, which cause components to vibrate. These vibrations raise your system's noise floor, obscuring details in the recording. The effects of vibrations occur in all components. If your system sounds unnatural, dry, hard, bright, and/or missing detail, it can be due to lack of proper vibration control.
Ultra Low Noise Feet Effects And Advantages
Mobile Fidelity and Harmonic Resolutions Systems spent three years testing and developing Ultra Low Noise Feet to create a low noise floor across the entire audio band to deliver a quiet background. They do no harm in the frequency and phase domain while providing consistent performance improvements across component and environment settings. And they offer a high price-to-performance ratio.
Careful selection of materials through design, measurement, and listening resulted in the final product. Installing these feet under a component makes it effectively isolated and removes chassis noise, giving the playback system quieter backgrounds and a more immersive sound.