Stereophile "Recommended Component"
We may be living in a digital age, but quality turntables are more in demand than ever. Many cherished records may never be issued on digital formats. With the new TT-15S1 turntable, the engineering team at Marantz has created an audiophile quality turntable with DC servo belt-drive and low-coloration tonearm to answer the need for an affordable high-performance source component for LPs.
"The attractive, quiet, well-damped TT-15S1 is built to Marantz specifications by Clearaudio... a startlingly full, coherent, dynamic sound," reports Stereophile in a "Recommended Components" listing.
"Clearly well-made, the translucent white table is not only handsome, it sounds great, too," notes Mike Quinn in Jazz Times. "Marantz has a real winner in this package and if you can budget for the TT15, it will return the investment night-in and night-out for years of fun, insightful listening."
"It Reeks of Understated Distinction"
No doubt about it, the Marantz is a distinctive looking machine. "The plinth itself is a tactile delight with finely finished surface and nicely machined, gently rounded edges, it reeks of understated distinction," reports the May 1, 2006 issue of Hi-fi World magazine.
"The sound is similarity elegant, refined and yet powerful and dynamic also," the review continues. "The Marantz was capable and authoritative with all the music used in more than just a competent manner; it was a high-resolution source component in almost every tangible acoustic aspect."
Low-Resonance Acrylic Platter and Platform
The acrylic platform and heavy 1.1"-thick acrylic platter provide an ultra low resonance environment for your LPs. A standalone 'floating' asynchronous motor without chassis contact guarantees total isolation from the turntable platform, bringing you amazingly quiet and exceptionally pure music reproduction.
A high precision, maintenance-free ceramic bearing contributes to the smooth performance and imaging so realistic, you'll be reaching for LPs that you haven't listened to in years and marveling at the level of sonic information.
Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood Cartridge
Designed by Marantz, the TT-15S1 is built by renowned German manufacturer Clearaudio and comes with a premium Clearaudio Virutoso Ebony Wood Cartridge, an $800 value.
Robert J. Reina raved about this cartridge in Stereophile. "The performance of the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood was so ear-opening that I recommend that anyone thinking of spending up to $2500 on a moving-coil cartridge consider buying the $750 Wood instead," he writes in the December 2002 issue.
But the Clearaudio Virtuoso cartridge is just beginning of the superb features of this true reference quality product. It also includes a sophisticated anodized tonearm with ebony armwand, magnetic anti skating system, and fine-adjustable counterweight, along with a "Clever Clamp" by Souther Engineering, and solid aluminum three-point support feet.
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