In over 50 years of audio, I have always bought good quality interconnects and speaker cables, commensurate with my investment in the rest of the system. I never really bothered with changing power cords. This past year I decided to try some Pangea power cables for my streamer and DAC and was impressed with the improvement. Many folks advise that your amplifier is the place where power cords make the most impact, so I decided to try the Pangea AC9MkII with my Musical Fidelity M5Si integrated amp. First off, I was surprised at the size and weight of this cable. It is huge. The cable is very well made and fits tightly into my integrated amp. With regard to the improvement in sound; well, that's a bit hard to describe except to say everything sounds better. My system sounds more musical, with more detail and improved dynamics. In addition, the soundstage is more focused. Overall, it's just more musical, and enjoyable to listen to.